Last month, Growing Our Own Teachers on Kauai held its first online fundraising event. We honored all our current teachers for National Teacher Appreciation Day. It takes special people to be called into the the teaching profession and we want to recognize those who have become teachers as well as those who are working to become teachers.
We are excited to say our campaign was a complete success! We exceeded our $5,000 goal and reached $6,300 from private donations alone. In addition, we have garnered over $17,000 in grants this year to support our mission to assist aspiring teachers on Kauai.
We are grateful to all of our supporters for their contributions to our cause.

Our grant recipients also understand that we are funded not only by local foundations and clubs, but by the community members they are working to serve. All of our student teacher recipients from the past few years are still teaching in Kauai schools. This is their promise to you: to teach on Kauai for a minimum of three years. Even in this time of a worldwide pandemic, our recipients are finding ways to continue teaching our keiki and fulfill their promise.
Thank you, again, for your support.